IA Book Token for one guinea will be awarded to the sender of the first correct solution opened after noon on Tuesday week, July 29th, addressed Crossword, and bearing NUMBER of the puzzle to 99 Gower Street, London, W.C.I.
I. Encountered a brick-carrier. (6.) 4. Measure of an ingredient of brawn.
(8.) 10. Brother of Electra. (7.)
II. " - full of the linnets' wings." (Yeats.) (7.)
12. Cheers a bat. (Anag.) (10.) 13. They introduce cats to writing. (4.) 15. It has been said that she gives England ' her soldiers. (7.) 17. Garments from 15. (7.) 19. Hand ice for this queer creature. (7.) 21. It starts to be a watering-place. (7.) 23. A graduate with an afterthought makes . the rolls. (4.) 24. Did he fight in brass ? (10.) 27. Can a Manx star make game of it ? ' (7,) 28. Caesar met these old people of Taves. (7.) 29. psis place is equal to mixed ideas.
30. '-all Ye who list to hear our noble England's praise." (Macaulay.) (6.)
1. Illumination for Shakespearean players.
(9.) 2. A thousand in voice seem nervous. (7.) 3. Where to find portraits of royalty and indications of chance. (2, 3, 5.) 5. Hospitable alternative to the closed shop. (4, 5.) 6. He is in the returned manuscript_ (4.) 7. To me it's broken pie. (7.)
8 he Painter turns wise with a penny.
9. 'There is too much of - and she is too old." (KiPling.) (4.)
14. Half a score in confusion at the end of a cord. (10.) 16. Doctor with a suggestion of the past has a man's finish. (9.) 18. " He is well paid that is well -." (Shakespeare.) (9.)
20. Portrait-painter providing a container for a letter. (7.) 22. Broken rib in, tune. (7.)
23. Sailor takes a turn with the cup. (5.) 25. A gallery man. (4.) 26. Aqiused but not before noon.. (4.)