Presidential Chances
T HERE is a sharp distinction to be drawn between what General Eisenhower (his desire to be known as plain Mr. will clearly not prevail against the compelling force of use and......
Why Pembroke College, Cambridge, Should Have Chosen July...
its commemoration of the birth of Edmund Spenser I don't quite know, for it is not certain even that the poet was born in 1552 at all, much less on what particular day in that......
A Few Days Ago I Was Rather Startled By Being
told by a man of very considerable scientific attainments, who is engaged . on an important and interesting political study, that he never reads a daily (or so far as I know a......
The Proposal To Form An Organisation To Be Called Friends
of Atlantic Union, with Sir Hartley Shawcross and Professor Lionel Robbins among its more prominent sponsors, is certainly well-intentioned, but it is by no means so certain......
A Spectator's Notebook
I CAN well understand the impulse which led the Methodist Conference to condemn the use of napalm bombs, as indeed many other people have done. But the question is anything but......
When Sir Walter Scott Lay Dying He Asked His Son-in-law
Lockhart to read to him. "Out of what book ? " Lockhart enquired. "Need you ask ? "was the reply; "there is but one." Lockhart read the fourteenth of St. John. In a new......