18 JULY 1987, Page 35

Letter and Spirit

'Maps do not hold the spirit of the land!' claim clever folk, who reckon none are wise but through their lore. We learn to understand one point of view from them, but others stand steadfast, proclaiming, 'We must not despise maps! Do not hold the spirit of the land in reverence divorced from reason! Planned order is our dogma' (bored youth sighs — but through their lore we learn.) To understand our need, remember how, when lost, we scanned the haunted hills where ghost-grey mists arise. Maps do not hold the spirit of the land in bondage. They are servants. We command. They guide us where we ask. They tell no lies, but, through their lore, we learn to understand. Enthusiasts and pedants both demand respect. They'd gain it with this compromise:— 'Maps do not hold the spirit of the land, but through their lore we learn to understand.'

Barbara Wilcock Bland