18 JULY 1987, page 26

Views Of Clare

Sir: Many of us who hated the idea of the new Clare College library and the effect it was obviously going to have on Scott's impressive Memorial Court/University Library vista,......

Suffolk Spade

Sir: Like Jeremy Lewis (Books, 6 June), I had also speculated on the origins of the Pattle surname. Since so many of that family served with distinction in India, the......

Letters Spitalfields Crofters

Sir: I am astonished that Charles Clover (Prince Charles in Spitalfields', 11 July) should attribute to Stoke Newington 'a kind of hopeless delinquency, exclusively public (and......

Colossus Of Roads

Sir: Radio Four's Today and Brian Red- head have twice had the good news-bad news routine. When the Policy Studies Institute pro- duced a report indicating that racial discri-......

Honey-coloured Bradford

Sir: I was in Bradford recently and saw nothing of Richard West's 'Inner city of dreadful night' (27 June). Indeed, I have happy memories of a lovely English city of......