Constable's Miscellany, in its Sixty-seventh Number, contains ' the second
volume of DERAVENT CONWAY'S (Iivoms's) Tour, and embraces the whole of the Work relating to the South of France and the Pyrenees. It is a most agreeable little work, and far more instructive than many books of travels of greater pretensions. A good book on the Pyrenees, in English, was wanting ; and though this small volume will scarcely supply the desideratum, it will seem to stop the gap very agreeably. We have been greatly charmed with the description of-Bayonne and its environs ; and we refer to the whole of the seventeenth chapter, as it may assist the tourist, at this moment in all the pleasing difficulty of choosing his route, in
making an agreeable decision. In selecting a place for foreign tti residence, the greatest perplexities exist, and the chances of getting
wrong preponderate : the consequences are often serious to persons whose means and circumstances will not hear repeated experiments.