Common Couissira—at The Meeting Of The Common Council, An...
on the motion of Mr. Oldham, 500/. was unanimously voted in aid of the starving inhabitants of Mayo. On the same occasion, on the motion of Mr. Charles Pearson, the petition of......
Don Miguel Has At Length Stated To His Subjects The
humi- liating fact, that the 'French Government have, failing his com- pliance with its demands, proceeded to make reprisals. He notices the capture of one vessel. Eight or ten......
The Accounts Received Yesterday From Paris Represent The...
that capital as far from tranquil. "Grave disorders," says the Moniteur, "have been committed in the Fauxbourg St. Denis r and the correspondent of the Times, under the date of......
Tiie King And His Coy Ar.—on Monday Evening, Their...
who had arrived from Windsor about ten o'clock, gave a grand ball at St. James's Palace. The preparations for the ball were in every respect similar to those that had been made......