18 JUNE 1831, Page 3

TIIE KING AND HIS Coy ar.—On Monday evening, their Majesties,

who had arrived from Windsor about ten o'clock, gave a grand ball at St. James's Palace. The preparations for the ball were in every respect similar to those that had been made on former occasions of the same kind. The company began to assemble at nine o'clock ; the setting- down occupied about two hours. Of the Royal Family, were present— the Duchess of Kent, the Duke and Duchess of Cumberland, the Duke of Sussex, the Duke and Duchess of Gloucester, the Landgravine, and the Princess Augusta. The King and Queen surveyed the brilliant array of dancers from a sofa placed on a dais at the east end of the ball- room, until one o'clock, when they retired to supper in the Queen's apartments. The company supped in the banqueting-room. The ball did not filially break lip until three o'clock. The "reigning" Pi Duke of Brunswick, the Prince of Leiningen, the whole of the Foreign corps diplomatique, and nearly all the higher nobility and gentry, were invited, and attended.

On Tuesday, their Majesties left town for Twickenham, in order to honour by their presence a fete given by Sir Wathen Waller and Ba- roness Howe. The Duke of Brunswick and Duchess of Saxe Weimar accompanied, and the Landgravine, the Princess Augusta, Prince Leo- pold, and the Duke and Duchess of Cumberland, followed their Majesties.

The silver cup usually given on the 1st, was rowed for at the fete, in order to add to the entertainments meant for the gratification of the royal visitors. Their Majesties witnessed the match from the lawn, where a seat, elegantly fitted up, was " placed for their accommodation. An immense number of boats covered the river, by the occupants of which the royal party was loudly and heartily cheered.

On Wednesday, the King held a levee ; when the following presen- tations took place—

The Earl of Coventry, on succeeding to the title.

Visct. Dunlo, on his appointment to the Lient.-Colonelcy of the Galway Militia, by the Earl ofAlbemarle.

The Dean of Salisbury, by Sir J. Whatley. Mr. Sergeant Lawes, by the Lord Chan- cellor.

Rev. M. Oxenden, by Lord Prudhoe. Mr. Wall, of Worthy Park, by the Earl of Beauchamp.

Mr. S. Jervis, by Visct. St. Vincent. Hon. Mr. Vesey, by the Earl of Gosford. Mr. Sergeant Russell, by the Lord Chan-


Mr. Ferguson, by Earl Grey. Visct. Dungarvan, on his marriage, by the Mar. of Clanricarde.

Mr. W. Reynolds, by Lord Barham.

The Earl of Beverley, on coming to the title.

Sir F. Mackenzie, by the Right Hon. C. Grant.

Rev. Mr. Raiford, by Mr. Burgoyne. Mr. Cheere, by the Earl of Hardwicke. Sir H. Williamson, by Lord Dundas. Lieut.-Gen. Sir T. H. Brisbane, on ap-

pointment to the Grand Cross of the Guelphic Order, by Lieut.-Gen. Sir J. Kem pt. Vice-Admiral Sir C. Ekins, on being created a Knight Commander of the Bath.

Mr. Farrer, by Lord Redesdale, Mr. I. Blackburne, by Mr. Blackburne. Mr. T. Gladstone, by Sir S. Canning. Lieut.-Col. Jordan, Inspecting Field Officer, by the Adjutant-General. Mr. A. Speirs, by Lord Dundas.

Mr. Blackett, by the Earl of Beverley. Mr. S. Bateman, by Lord Byron.

Maj. H. H. Farquharson, on his return from India, by his Grace the Duke of Gordon.

Mr. Bloomfield, on returningfrom Stock- holm.

Maj. Hill, 53rd Regt., by Lord Hill. Mr. C. Mundy, by Earl Howe.

Corn. T. H. Austin, on his promotion, by Sir T. Hardy.

Capt. P. J. Douglas, R.N., by Sir T. Hardy. Mr. Warrender, by Sir G. Warrender. Maj. M. Dixon, on return from foreign service, by Lord Hill.

Corn. Beaumont, R.N., byllfr. Beaumont. Mr. Hunter, by Lieut.-Gen. Sir H. Taylor.

Mr. M. T. Smith, by Gen. Sir R. Wheat- ley. Maj. Payne, 2nd Surry Beat. by Col. Onslow.

Capt. C. Manning, 2nd Royal Surry Militia, by Col. Hon. T. C. Onslow. Maj. Graham, by Sir J. Graham.

Capt. Bertram, on his appointment to his Majesty's ship Tweed, by Admiral Hon. C. E. Fleeming. Mr. C. HInde, a Deputy Lieut. for Mid- dlesex, by the Earl of Clarendon. Sir H. Mathias, by Lord Kensington. Rev. It. Moore, by the Archbishop of

Canterbnry. Sir R. Hunter, by the Lord Steward. Hon. and Rev. W. Herbert, by the Earl of Egremont.

Sir E. Baker, by Lord Foley.

Mr. D. Lyon, by Sir ST. Freemantle. Sir J. Stanley, by Sir W. Clinton. Mr. B. Hutchinson, by the Right Bon.

Lord Teynham. Mr. J. C. Dowdeswell, by Lieut.-Gen. Sir G. Anson.

Mr. M. Maxwell, by the Hon. E. Petre. Sir J. E. de Beauvoir, by the Mar. of Chandos.

Hon. Mr. J. S. Wortley, by Lord Wham-

Hon. Maj.-Gen. W. Stuart, by Lord Hill. Mr. 0. Bateman, by Lord Byron. Mr. E. Heneace, Lieut. in the Nor'h Lincoln Yeomanry Cavalry, by Lord Yarborough.

Mr. Noyes, by Maj.-Gen. Sir A. Barnard. Lieut.-Col. Wetherall, on his return from

India, by his Grace the Duke of Gor- don.

Lieut. Cu]. rt. Nixon, by the Earl of Con rtown.

Mr. Stanley, of Ponsonby, Cumberland, by the Earl of Balcarras. Lieut.-Col. Forde, Royal North Down Militia, by Lord Dufferin. Limit...Col. T. W. Forster, half-pay 24th Regt. by Gem the Hon. Sir H. Grey.

Maj. M. Belshes, by Sir G. Murray. Capt. Le Messurier, by Mr. Ravenshow. Capt. Ridley, on promotion, by Sir

W. Ridley.

Col. Hull, by Lord Hill.

Cornet W. It. Tyrrell, on appointment to

Royal Durso Guards, by Lord MIL Lieut. J. Dotti;las, by Mr. E. A. Saufna„


Capt. Forth, by Sir II. Taylor.

Lieut. Clayton, lt,N. by Capt. Barriorg-- ton.

Lieut. J. Nicholson, by Lieut.-Gm, Egerton.

Lieut. D. 11,..rbgrt, by Gen. Sir J. DoyIr.. Lieut. Luce, Ii. N., by sir T. Hardy. Lieut. Cl. Willi:uns, on his promotion, by

Sir T. Hardy.

Capt. Weston, Surry Yeomanry, by Sir W. Jolliffe.

Lieut. Wainmigbt, R.N., by Sir J. Gilre. Lieut. II. Janncey, R.N. by Capt. Sir H. J. WillotOibY.

Lieut. Skey, of the Worcestershire rex- 'tunny, by Lord Foley. Lieut. T. Jager, R.N., by Sir T. Har4. Lit Ut. J. It. Fennell, by Sir G. Seymot.n. Lieut. Lettsmn, 50th Regt, by Lord Tez-


Capt. Torrens, Grenadier Guards, on prra,- motion, by Col. Woodford.

Capt. R. Ramsay, R.N., by Sir Graham.

Capt. Clibborn, by Lient.-Col. Burke. Capt. the Hon. 0. A. Browne, by Sir Taylor.

Previous to the levee, a chapter of the Bath was held, when Admiral Sir C. Ekins was admitted Knight Commander.

To-day, Isis Majesty honours with his presence the board of the Duke of Wellington, at the dinner given by Isis Grace in commemoration if the battle of Waterloo. The king has not, we believe, missed an OCC.1- sion of this kind since the first institution or the anniversary thinner.

The Dia;liess of Cambridge, with her daughter, the Princess Augustr.„ arrived at Deptford on Tuesday, in the Lightning steam-boat, and im- mediately proceeded with her suite to Cambridge House.