Our readers may rest aired that a regular Opposition has
been formed in the House of Lords. Its object is, of course, to defeat the Reform Bill. Two modes of proceeding have been discussed by the party,opposition to the Ministry on every point, with a view to pro- voking Lord GREY to resign, the ultimate object being to prevent Re. form altogether ; opposition only on the Reform question, with a view Lo such a compromise with Ministers as would render the Bill no longer "effectual." We understand that the latter course is preferred ; but 'there is no dependence on the resolves of these gentlemen, which, being formed in passion and despair, are constantly varying. It is just possible that the Anti-Reformers should outvote Ministers In the House of Lords on every point, but quite impossible that Lord ,GRES7 should enter into a compromise as to the Refimm Bill. If the Tories are not mad, they at least conclude Lord GREY to be mad. They had better revert to their plan of last week-incessant opposition to the Ministry on every point. To drive Lord GREY and the Chancel- lor out of office, is just possible ; but to persuade them to become the two most unpopular of public men, is a project so wild, that we can only laugh at those who entertain it. Hop over St. Paul's, my Lord ELDON', and stop the tide of the Thames with your thumb ! One of the clearest 'marks of a feeble mind is the habit of proposing means quite inadequate to the end. The Tories seem resolved to earn their new title of" THE TEEBLES."