THE novelties which from time to time turn up at these concerts are usually displayed at an early part of the season, and June rarely finds the Directors in active mood. The present season is an exception : as the days lengthen and the weather grows warmer, they exhibit un- wonted energy and vigilance. So much the better—their reign will terminate with a favourable impression. Something is owing to acci- dent, but not all ; and all the credit they deserve they ought to have.
The scheme of Monday night (with a single exception) exhibits the same well-considered arrangement as appeared in several preceding ones.
Sinfonia No. 11 HAYDN. Scene, Miss BIRCH, " Gentle thoughta " Sruna. Fantasia. Pianoforte, M. THALBESO. Aria, Signor MARTO, " 0 care immagine" mossier. Overture, Coriolan BxErouvax.
Sittfonia in A minor. MENDELSSOHN•DARTHULDT. Air. Mr. PHILLIPS, " Now heaven in fullest glory" HAYDN. Fantasia, Pianoforte, Mr. THAI-BUM Duette, Miss Btactt and Signor MARIO, " AII si tu" Rosman. Overture, The Ruler of the Spirits C. M. YON WERE& Leader, Mr. T. Comm—Conductor. Mr.F. MeNestattruereSsarnoLor.
The novelty of the evening was MENDELSSOHN'S new Sinfonia. The remarks which we had lately occasion to make with regard to Moutaun's Sinfonia apply with equal correctness to this. We trace in both the thoughts of other writers, cleverly disposed and arranged, rather than the independent, self-sustained vigour of creative genius. In all such compositions there is, of necessity, that want of unity ot design as well as of style which marks the production of a great mind—of a mind which looks within rather than around for its resources. But in both these Siufonias there is much to admire. Passages of great beauty not unfrequently broke out in that of MENDELSSOHN, and the practised hand of the musician was apparent throughout. The advantage of having it produced under the composer's own direction was abundantly manifest, and its perfect performance well repaid the repeated rehearsals which had been bestowed upon it The performance of a new Sinfonia under ordinary circumstances is an experiment, not only as to its intrinsic excellence, but as to the ability of the band to understand and to display it. WEBER'S Overture to Der Freischutz was not under- stood here till it was conducted by WEBER; and he was surprised to find that some striking effects had been undiscerned by a band who had played it more than fifty successive nights: so, in his Overture to the Ruler -of the Spirits, either inattention or incorrect copies had ob- scured a beautiful effect which the Philharmonic orchestra, under MENDELSSOHN'S direction, brought out for the first time.
THALBERG'S Fantasias were of their usual kind, on subjects from Don Giovanni and La Sonnambula. This, at the Philharmonic, was no evidence of good taste. THALBERO is capable of something much better than these manual feats ; and in a society formed for the cultiva- tion of classical music, be should have evinced the will to aid its pro- fessed object. Many auditors, we have no doubt, felt—a few expressed their disapprobation.
The vocal music was of a higher order than usual. Maim and PHILLIPS sang with their accustomed excellence ; and Miss lilacs ac- quitted herself with credit in the execution of a song of no ordinary difficulty.