The German Opera.
THE present German company, as we ventured to predict, have confined themselves to the repetition of well-known operas ; and therefore we have been content to he silent......
The Respectable Publisher Of Hullah's Part Music Has...
at- tention to an important misstatement in our last number, respecting the price of the publication. In place of being at the rate of three halfpence for each page, it is only......
The Gossip Columns Of The Morning Post Supply Reports...
Miss ADELAIDE KEMBLE'S retirement from the stage, somewhat more definite than previous rumours as to time. She, with Miss ILLINFORTIF, BALFE, and others, will set out on a......
The Theatres.
THE performances of two different companies of French actors, the vaudevillistes headed by Monsieur BOUTFE at St. James's Theatre, and the tragedians in the suite of......
The Italian Opera.
THE past week, at the Opera-house, has been remarkable for two things—the reappearance of RUBINI, previously to his final retirement from the stage ; and the performance of Don......
Philharmonic Concerts.
THE novelties which from time to time turn up at these concerts are usually displayed at an early part of the season, and June rarely finds the Directors in active mood. The......