Tuesday, June 14.
J. and G. P. Cott, Mile-end, Middlesex. carpenters—Debree and Co. Gracechurch Street. warehousemen—Brettell and Rufford. Lye. Worcestershire, clay-merchants- J. and R. Warr. Beaminster. Dorsetahire. builders—Mao and Asperne. Mincing Laue, colonial-produce-brokers —W. and J. Broomhall, Pershore, Worcestershire, tailors- Treffry and Co. Wenleck Basin, City Road, eogineers—Ellisou and Co. Ave Maria Lane. bookbinders—Meyers and Judo, Cambridge, jewellers—Fergle and Nicholson. Liverpool, eabliset.makers Appleyard and Brown. Beverley. Yorkshire, tailors - R. and G. Liddingtou, Lillingston Dayrell. Buckinghamshire, farmers—Scott and Co. Manchester. seedsnien—Nickels and Henderson, Liverpool, ship-brokers—Hitchcock and Hatch. Salisbury, Wiltshire, common-carriers—Addison and Co. pianofurte.mann- facturers; as far as regards Robert Addion—Fisher and Butler, Liverpool, coal-agent* — Stephenson null Pantlin, Liverpool, bakers — l'ressly and Taylor, Pall Mall, chemists— Bowes and Lowther, Durham, millers—Bradbury and Co. Manchester, dry-alters; as tar as regards Thomas Swanwich Bradbury—Carter and Co. Coventry and Oldbury. Shropshire, attoruies— Patterson and Hasting,s,Wardour Street, surgeons.
NICHOLLS, Camara, Shrewsbury, Shropshire flannel-merchant.
BEARDS, WILLIAM and GEORGE, Bilston, maltsters, to surrender Jane 25, July 26; so- licitors. Mr. Hunt. New Boswell Court; and Mr. Willim, BOWERS. CHARLES DENNIS, Cannon Street, comb.maker, June 23, July 26: solicitors, Adliogton and Co. Bedford Row; official assignee. Mr. Belcher, King's Arms Yard.
Booms, WiraLutu, Mauchester, cutton.manufacturer. June 27, July 26: solicitors. Messrs. Slater and Heelis, Manchester; and Messrs. Milne and Co. Temple.
ABEL, CROMPTON, Manchester. grocer, June 24, July 26: solicitors, Messrs. Johnson and Co. Temple; and Mr. Hitchcock, Manchester. DELAMAIN, HENRY FSRDINAND, St. Mary-at-Hill. wiue•merchant. June 23, July 26: solicitor, Mr. Hill, Clement's Lane, Lombard Street; official assignee, Mr. Belcher, King's Arms Yard. Doweieo. THOMAS Bransffird, Worcestershire, miller, June 20, July 26: solicitors. Messrs. Cardales and Iliffe. Bedford Row; and Messrs. Gillam and Sons. Worcester. Mu, Taunus, Great Driflield, spirit merchant, July 5, 26 : solicitors, Mewl. Walmsley and Co. Chancery Lane; mod Messrs. Shepherd aud Tonge. Great Driffield. HOULDING, WILLIAM. Salford, cordwainer, June 24, July 26: solicitors, Messrs. Row- ley and Taylor. Manchester; and Mr. Sharp, Staple Inn.
Jacesorr, JORPI. Nottingham, plumber, June 22, July 26: solicitors Messrs. Taylor and Co'limn. Great James Street, Bedford Row ; and Mr. &Moly, Nottingham.
JOTIHSON. MARY and WILL/All. Cheadle. June 25. July 26: solicitors, Mr. Gough, Eaat Street. Red Lion Square; and Mr. Bing. Cheadle. KERRTSON. W1LLTAII, Southampton. glees-merchant. June 25. July 26: solicitors, Mr. Flews. Bucklersbnry: mad Messrs. Randall and Eldridge, Southampton. Losro THOMAS. Chelsea, merchant, June 21, July 26: solicitors, Messrs. M•Leod and Stenning. Minter Street. City; official assignee. Mr. Groom. Abchurch Lane. MEALE. THOMAS, Brynmawr. Breconshire. ironmonger. June 28. July 26: solicitors, Messrs. Clarke and Metcalf, Lincoln's Inn Fields; mid Mr. Harley. Bristol. MERRIDSW, HENRY. Coventry. riband-manufacturer. June 30, July 26: solicitors, Messrs. Austen and Hobson, Gray's Ion ; and Messrs. Troughton and Lea. Coventry. Pates. Mon-moos COMBS, Breutford, glass seller. Juue 24. July 26: solicitor, Mr. Wadeson. Anstinfriars; official assignee. Mr. Graham, Basiughall Street.
Rmowar.Tarermits. Huddersfield. wool merchant, June 24. July 26 : solicitor, Messrs. Wright. Golden Square; official assignee, Mr. Johnson. Basingliall Street.
swarm June, aud KELLY. hers. Fleetwood-ou-Wyre. bricklayers, July 5, 26: so- licitors. Mr. Alger. Bedford Row ; and Mr. Pitt. Fleetwood-on-Wvre. TURPIN. Tarmac Wivenhoe. Essex. innkeeper. June 30, July 26; solicitors, Messrs. Wire and Child. St. Swithin's Lane; and Mr. Barnes. Colchester. WEBB, WILLIAM. York Street, City Road. watch maker, June 21, July 26: solicitor. Mr. Lloyd. Cheapside; official assignee. Mr. Green, Aldermanbury. WILLAW. RTCHARD. Bollington. Cheshire, linendraper. June 28. July 26: solicitors, Messrs. Baxter, Lincoln's Ion Fields; and Sale and Worthington, Manchester. DIVIDENDS.
July 5. H. and A. Wood. Basinghall Street, Blackwell-hall-factors-July 7. Murray, Church Street, Newington. leatherseller-July 7, Dannit, Talbot Inn Yard, South- wark. hop merchant-July 5, Richards. Oxford Street. victualler -July 5. Ashton, Benin's Street. bill-hmker-July 5. Straker, West Strand, bookseller-July 5, Ken- nett. Lincoln's Inu Fields. tooth-ache curer-July G, Hood. Princes Street. Leicester Square. rope-manufacturer-July 6, Sugars. Carey Street, coal merchant-July 6, Williams and Mottram. Wood Street. warehousemen-July 5. Goddard, Wood Street, fringe-maker-July 6. Atkinson. rireenbank. Westmoreland, bobbin.rnamsfacturer - July 6, Ainsworth. Birmingham. saddlers'.iroomonger -July I1. Page. Gloucester, carrier-July 8. Hutchinson, Ellond. Yorkshire. niachiue maker-July 8. Baber, Lindfleld. Sussex, milliner -July 6, Robins. Stone. Staffordshire. ironmonger-July 18, Squibb, East Cowes. rope-mitker-July 8. Hunnybun, Cambridge, ironmonger- July 8. J. and B. Schufield, Henley, Yorkshire, clothiers-July 15. Hartley. Halifax. chemist-July 22, J. and It. L. Nash. Bristol, brewers-July 12, Bourne. Liverpool, cotton-broker. CERTIFICATES The granted, unless cause be shores to the contrary. on or Wm. July 5. Walker, Liverpool, drysalter- Woods. Lower Thames Street, victualler-Chaloner, Chester, currier-Redferu and Co. Birtin House. Yorkshire, file-manufacturers-John- son. Birmingham, iroumonger-Nicholls. Birmingham, pencilwase.maker- Malian, Great Russell Street. Bloomsbury, dentist-Thomas. Mark Lane. corn-merchant - Lacy. Stansfleld, Yorkshire. cotton-spinner-Miller Stocktoomu.Tees. sailcloth-maker - Rogers. Finch Lane. wine-merchant-Parkes. Golden Square, print:eller-Jenne. Hoxtou Old Town, leather-manufacturer-Lane. Heaton Old Town, victualler. SOOTCH SEQUESTRATIONS.
Brea. CHARLES. Dundee, grocer. June 20, July 11. GRAHAM. JAMES, Rothesay. June 17, July 11. SAUNDERS, THOMAS, and LAING. JOHN, Dundee. merchants, June 20, July 11. SPENCI, DAVID. Perth, shoemaker, June 21, July 12.
STEVENSON, Wir.usu. Glasgow. carpenter, June 21, July 12.
&nemeses. WILLIAM. Glasgow. merchant. June 17. July 8.
Soreearoten. Jona:. Edinburgh. bookseller, June 22, July 13.
NT/six/atm ALEXANDER, Glasgow, printer. June 16, July 7.
Friday, June 17.
Dowse and Atkinson, Chancery Lane. law-stationers-Bywater and Ingham, Smithies, Yorkshire. cloth manufacturers-Green aud Richards. Tottenham Court Road. tailors-W. and H. Caress, Boroughbridge. Yorkshire. butchers-Howard and Co. Haslingden, Lancashire. ironfounders-Ames and Johnson, Clifton Street. Fins- bury. linendrapers-Atherton and Weisser, Manchester, W. T. and W. Ginty. East Retford, surgeons-Gardner and Middleton. Warrington, Lancashire, keepers of a circulating library-Slack and Morton, Manchester. paint- manufacturers - Doming and Martindale, Rainford, Lancashire, brewers-Labrej and Co. Huddersfield, tea-merchants -Watson and Co. Whitby, linendrapers; as far as re-
gards It. S. Watson. INSOLVENTS. HILTON. EDWARD, and WALSH, NATHANIEL, Manchester, paper makers, June 16.
HEADLAND, WILLIAM, L011111. tailor.
HIBBRRT. Grottos junior. Chesterfield. pawnbroker.
ROBERTS, JAMES, Berwick Street, victualler.
BRADBURY, JOSEPH and RALPH. Oldham. cotton-spinners. to surrenderJoly 4. 29: so.
licitors. Messrs. John-on and Co. Temple; and Messrs. Heron, Manchester.
BREITARGH. JOHN, Pendleton. timber dealer, June20, July 19: solicitors. Mr.Nether-
sole, Essex Street, S rand ; and Mr. Foster. Manchester.
CUTFELL. JOSHUA, Hut/earth, clothier. July 1, 29: solicitors, Mr. Curnthwaite, Doc- tors' Commons; and Mr. Curnthwaite, Liverpool.
ENGLISH, HENRY, New Bread Street. printer, June 24, July solicitor, Mr. Meggy, Great Tower Street; official assignee. Mr. Johnson, Basiughall Street, Hermes. JAMES, Leighton Buzzard, butcher. June 24. July 29: solicitors. Messrs. Stereos and Co. Queen Street, City; official assignee, Mr. Whitmore. Basiughall Street.
lessiti.. ROBERT, Blieton. coachmaker, June 24, July 29: solicitor, Mr. Williams. Alfred Place. Britt rd Square. ROBERTS, ROBERT, Newton, Montgomeryshire. grocer. July 8, 29: solicitors. Mr. Weeks. Cook's Court; and Messrs. Drew and Woosuam. Newtown.
Serra. WILLIAM, Leeds, dealer, June 28, July 29: solicitors. Messrs. Field and Co. Bedford Row; Mr. Fodeu. Leeds; and Messrs. Wagstaff and Co. Warrington.
S-reeemu., JOHN, Guildfurd Street. bookseller, June 28, July 2 solicitor, Mr. Nor- cult. Queen Square. Bloomsbury; official assignee, Mr. Gibsou, Basiughall Street. TOMLIN. JAMES, and MAN. WILLIAM, St. Michael's Alley, Curnhill, merchants. June 28, Judy 29: solicitor, Mr. Ellis. Cowper's Court; official assiguee, Mr. Whitmore, Basiughall Street. WEBB. JAMES ALFRED and DAVID. Great Marlow, farmers. June 21, July 29: solici- tor, Mr. Waller, Finsbury Circus; official assuguce, Mr. Lackiugton, Coleman Street Buildings.
I July 8, Warne, Lisle Street, Westminster. carpenter-July 8, Hayes, Pickett Street, Strand, picture dealer-July 8, Lampert, It mouth, silversmith- - July 11, J. C. and T. Lucas, Aldersgate Street, lozenge-marseractures -July 8. Stringer. High. Street. Islington, ironmonger-July 11. S. and T. F. Jackson, Bermondsey Street. woolstaplers -July 8. Cuisset, Blackfriars Road. jeweller-July 12. Page, Horseferry Road. en- graver-July 12, Beale, Marshal Street. Golden Square. packer-July 8, J. W. Field, Mincing Lane. wine brokers-July 12, Duckham. Little Love Lane. City, hosier-July 8, Hill and Brookes, Saint Mary Axe. merchants -July 11. Morris, Long Lane. Her- moudsey, leather-dresser-July. 12. Boyd. Ken -legion, picture-dealer-July 8. Bowser. Milton Street, Dorset Square. timber-merchant-July 9, Piggott, Wood Street, carpet- warehouseman - July 9, Nixon, Great Portland Street, cabinet-maker-July 8, Hitch- cock. Regent Street. linendraper -July 8. Maddox, Watling Street. warehouseman- July 9, Webster. Birmingham. draper-July 8. Busk, Hunslet. Yorkshi:e, machine- maker - July 11. Berry, Cambridge, wine-merchant- July 21. Cleat, Worcester, victualler-July 13. Looney. Whitehaveu, cooper-July 8, Peters. Cambridge, tailor- July 15, Buckley, Newtoumoor, Cheshire, grocer-July 15, Cole, Kettenug. North- amptonshire, woolstapler -July 28. Derbyshire and Pope, Manchester, calico-primers -July 8, Millership, Moseley, Staffordshire, coal-master-July 12, Heron. Manchester, cotton-spinner-July 12, Walker, Hiudley, Lancashire, cotton-spinner - July 9, Witherby, Liverpool, merchant.
To be granted. unless cause be show. to the contrary on or before Jody 8.
Butler, Leamington Priors, dealer-Churchyard, Halifax. woolstapler-Halliday. Liverpool. innkeeper-Lees, Mauchesterl.nnkeeper- Machen, Monmouthshire, general-shopkeeper -Pearcy, St. John Street. leather-seller.
DANIEL, JAMES, Aberdeen. printer, JUlle 23, July 16. M1LLOY, ALEXANDER and JOHN. Arnlealthe, graziers. June 24, July 13. MARTIN, DAVID, Glasgow. manufacturer, June 23, July 14.
Mout, %Luau, Perth, shipowner, June 23, July 14,