BRITISH FUNDS. (Closing Prices.) 3 per Cent. Consols
Saturday Monday. Tuesday. Wedges.
Ditto for Account 911 exd. 911 91e 911 911
3 per Cents. Reduced 911 911 914 914 914 511 31 per Cents Reduced New 31 per Cents 100# shut 1001 1001 1001 1001 1001.
Long Annuities 124 124 124 121
Bank Sock, 7 per cent.
168 168 167
India Stock, 101
Exchequer Bills. 2d. per diem 48 pm. 49 47 49 42
India Bonds, 31 per cent 24 pm. 42 23 23 21 23 FOREIGN FUNDS.
(Last Official Quotation during the Week ceding Friday Evening.) Alabama (Sterling) 5 p. Ct. - Mexican 5 p. Ct. 361 Arkansas (1863) 6 - _
Ditto (Deferred) 5 -
10k A ustriau 5 - - Michigan 6 -
Belgian 5 - 1024 Mississippi (Sterling) ...6
Brazilian 5 - 66 Neapolitan
Buenos Ayres 6 - - New York (1855) 5 75 Cuba 6 -
Ohio 6
Chiliati 6 - 87 Pennsylvania 5
Columbian of 1824 6 - 251 Peruvian 6 18 Danish 3 - 811 Portuguese 3 224 Dutch (Ex 12 Guilders) .21 - 52# Ditto 5
Ditto (Ditto) 5 - 101 Ditto (New) 5
French 3 - - Russian 5
Ditto ex d.5 -
Spanish 5
Indiana (Sterling) 5 - - Ditto (Passive) 41 Illinois 6 - - Ditto (Deferred) 10 Kentucky 6 - - South Carolina 5 p. Ct.
Louisiana (Sterling) ....5 - 62 Tennessee 6 -
Maryland 6 - - United States Bank 01 Massachussetts (Sterling)5 - - Virginia 5
Copper, British Cakes..per ton 941. Os. to • • Iron. British Bars d 0 0- 0 •
Lead. British Pig 18 0 0-- IS s Steel. English 0 0 0- • •
GRAIN, Mark Lane, June 17th.
The supplies of grain generally have been very moderate during the week, but trade has not been lively sauce Monday. There is not much English Wheat on sale, and the quantity received during the week has been tolerably lair for the season. In the few transactions that have occurred we note no change in prices. There is not much demand for Foreign Wheat, whether free or limited, and previous prices are with difficulty maintained. Barley. Beans, and Ps as are held at the recent advanced rates, but without much animation iu the sales, whilst Oats scarcely meet so much in- quiry as during the beginning of the week, notwithstandiug very limited arrivals of English, and being without any fresh shipments from Ireland.
• •. Wheat, RedNew50 in 54 Rye 85 to 37 . • .
Maple 33 to 34
•• s.
oats, Feed ... 41 to 45 Pine 54 .. 84 Barley.... 57 29 W 114e :43 ..37 Vine 44..45 White 54..50 Malline 80 111 Boilers 37 10 Poland • 5 . 211 Fine. 60 64 Malt, Ordinary. 56 .. 60 Beans, Ticks ... 30 . 31 Fine 28 .49 SuperfineNew 64 .. 70 Fine 01 62 Old 36 .. 40 Potato IT
Old 68 .. 7r
Peas, Ilog 82 . 83 Parra.. -.85 .. V
Fine ...* 29 .. 80
AVERAGE PRICES OF CORN. DUTY ON FOREIGN CORN Per Quarter (Imperial) of England and Wale. For the present Week.
Wheat elln. 9.1 Rye........... Sta. 5d. Wheat li. Od Rye 1.41.6d. Barley ..... 28 5 Roans 82 1 Barley 10 0 Beans 10 I Oats. 19 II Peas 31 6 Oats 7 0 Pea. 10 •
BUTTER-Pest Fresh, Its. Id. per dos. Carlow, 01.0.. to 01.0s. per cwt. BACON, Small New, per cwt. 46e. to 505. CH F.P.SE. Cheshire 565.10 errs.
Derby Plain 48s. to 63s. HAMS, York Ms. EGGS. French... per 120 4s. Od. to U. 64,
HAY AND STRAW. (Per Load of 36 Trusses.)
Hay, Good 05.... 105s. 55... 89.
Os.., 0 Inferior 70 .. 84
New 55 . 80 .... 0 .. 0 0 ..
0 30 .. 84 Clover 108 .. 114 75 .. 115 80 .. 116 .. .. 50 .. 118 Straw, heat 41 .. 45 tal 40 88 ..
as ,
Kent Pockets ............
Choice [Mtn Sussex Pockets Superfine Ditto
......... IN., to tans.
ISO - too 120 - 126 148 - too
York Reds... .......... ....pee 1. n 90s. to
Were 0 Middling 0 .w Chats 0 .w• 100.
0 0 0 ad, 6 10 0 it Beef Muiton Veal Pork Lamb
NEWGATE AND LEADENHALL.• SMITHFIELD.* Cs. 44 to 3. 6d. to 45. Yd. as. Od. to as. 6.1. to 4s. 2 a . 3 6 .. 4 0 a 0 .. 4 0 .. • 2 8 .. 3 8 .. 4 8 3 8 .. 4 0 .. 4 3 0 .. 4 0 .. 4 a 4 0 .. 0 0 .. 5
4 8 .. 0 0 .. 5 8 ... 8 2 .. 0 I .. 0
• To sink the offal-per albs HEAD OF CATTLE AT SMITHFIELD.
Beasts. Sheep. Calves. Figs. Friday ....... ........ ...... .... 5ES 1a,IW 566 310 Monday 4,314 40.600 176 alt
TEA. Bohen, One, p.11% Os. Od. -Cs. Od. Congo°, ...... 1 10 -r a Souchong, fins 1 9 -- • In Bond-Duty ts. Id. per lb. COFFEE, One (in bd) pee cart. 128.. ISO. Good Ordinsry ax.. to 80.. SUGAR. Ill u.covado. per cerL a7. • ltd. West India 'lotuses... ra. to 30. N.
during the Week ending Friday Evening.) Boxes-
- Australasian - British North American Colonial - Lundou and Westminster Land m Joint Stock - National of Ireland National Provincial Provincial of Ireland 28 Union of Australia 91 Union of London
190 DOCKS -
861 East and West ludia - London 351 St. Katherine 104 MISCELT.INEODS- - A estralian Agricultural 174 British American Land 13 Canada 75 General Steam 69 New Zealand 63 Royal Mail Steam 231 South Australian 61 Van Diemeu's Laud 524 35 221 424 101 105 82 100
MINES- Memos
Brazilian Imperial Ditto (St. John del Rey) British Iron Cate Branc Candouga Cobra Copper
Chelteultam and Great Western Eastern Counties Grand Junction Great Western Liverpool and Manchester London and Brighton London aud Blackwell Loudon and Greenwich.
London and Birmingham Loudon aud Croydon Manchester and Leeds Midland Counties North Midland South-eastern and Dover South-western (Last Official Quotation BULLION.
Gold, Foreign in Bars .....per os. 31. 174. 9d. Old Spanish. or Pillar Dollars.... 0 0 0 Mexican Dollars 0 4 10
Silver in Bus, Stardard 0 4 Ilk
................per sack 53a. to 57a. Seconds........ ........ .......... 48 - 52 Ewa: and Suffolk, on board ship... 43 - 43
Norfolk sod Stockton 43 -- 45 BRAN per quarter Os. to Os. POLLARD, fine Os. to Os. BREAD. 71d. to 9d. the 41b. Loaf.
Rape Oil Mined per tun 441. 6s. 45 0 Linseed Oil 81 0 Llueed Oil Cake per ION 13 10 CANDLES. per dozen, Os.Od. to Os. Od. Moulds (ed. per dos. discount) Os. Od. COALS, Bettors 40s. 3d.
Tess lea, 64.