Conference drags. It was to meet on Wednesday, but did
not ; on Thursday, but did not ; and is now ordered to assemble to- day, when it may not. The secret of the precise hitch in its discussions has this time been pretty carefully kept ; but it would seem that the Germans will not accept the line of the Schlei, and that England hesitates to apply the requisite pressure without support, or guarantees, which the Emperor still withholds. The Prussian Ministers circulate statements in all directions that war will recommence on the 26th of June ; but these may be intended merely to test the forbearance of the neutral Powers, and so obtain the most favourable terms possible. The German papers insist on the incredible statement that Prussia intends to apply the conscription to the whole of Schleswig, and the Viennese papers constantly repeat hints that an Austrian squadron will appear in the Baltic. The decision must be reached some day next week, and as yet appearances are unfavourable.