The New Zealand Mails Show That General Cameron Had Incurred
no defeat, but, on the contrary, had achieved new and very import- ant successes. The disaster reported last week was to a force in the Taranaki settlement, ever the most......
Sir G. Bowyer On Friday Night Raised A Discussion As
to the use of a British Consul at Rome, and other members wanted to know why Mr. Odo Russell, member of the Italian Legation, but resident at Rome, should not be Consul also.......
On Tuesday Morning The Factory Act Extension Bill, Which...
the age of children employed, regulates the sanitary condi- tions under which they are employed, and extends to the Potteries the half-time system for children so successfully......
On Saturday Last Consols Closed At 90k 1 For Money,
and 00f 1 for account. Yesterday the latest price for delivery was 891 90; for time, 00k 1.......
Somebody Is Beginning, We Perceive, To Pull Down The...
round Lincoln's Inn Fields, in preparation, we trust, for the new Palace of Justice. The present arrangements in Westminster Hall would disgrace a third-rate Republic in South......
The Annual Meeting Of The Bayswater "home" For Young Women
was held on Friday last, under the presidency of Lord Radfltock, a gentleman who seems much inclined to follow in Lord Shaftesbury's path. It was announced that a new branch......
The " Question Renal]." Has At Last Been Settled By The
dismissal of M. Renan from the Professorship of the Hebrew, Syriac, and Chaldee, and the appointment of M. Munk, a Jew, in his place, an appointment intended to show that......
The Albert Fire And Marine Insurance Company, To Which The
Marine business of the Oriental:and General has been transferred, will commence business on the 24th inst. Mr. Morrell Theobald will superintend the Fire, and Mr. Secretan the......
On Tuesday Sir Hugh Cairns Brought On His Vote Of
censure on the Commissioners of National Education in Ireland for the resolutions adopted by them with regard to giving aid to convent and monastic schools on the 21st of......
The Closing Transactions In The Leading Foreign...
on Friday week were at the following prices :- Friday, June 10. Friday, June 17. Greek • • 243 281 Do. Coupons .. 101 Mexican 451 411 Spanish Passive .. 321 801 Do.......
The Stock Of Bullion In The Bank Of England Having
increased to 14,304,205/., and the reserve of notes and coin to 8,826,3551., the directors have lowered their minimum rate of discount to six per cent. In the open market the......
General J. E. B. Stuart, The Greatest Of The Confederate
cavalry officers, who was mortally wounded in the fight with Sheridan's cavalry near Richmond, died at Richmond on Thursday, the 19th of May. He met death as bravely as he had......