It is stated demi-officially that the great conflict between the
War Office and the horse Guards which has lasted so many years has ended at last, the Queen having signed an Order in Council which makes the Field-Marshal Commanding-in-Chief a subordi- nate of the Secretary at War. The Duke of Cambridge will still be responsible for promotions, and for discipline, but must when necessary accept orders, instead of receiving requests, from the responsible Minister whose equal he has hitherto been. The immediate effect of the Order will not be great, but the concession ends a most dangerous dispute. Parliament can now always fix responsibility, and the next General Commanding-in-Chief will. be selected on the distinct understanding that he is a subordinate of a Parliamentary officer. We have spoken elsewhere of her Majesty's conduct in the matter, which will, we doubt not, receive from the country the cordial admiration it deserves. If the power conferred by the prerogative was unreal, the dignity was not ; and. Kings who can surrender dignity gracefully are very few.