It Is Not Very Easy To Say How The Concession
is likely to be received. Mr. Disraeli, after his fashion, made it the subject of a very lively attack on the Government, and a strong bid for the support of the left wing of......
It Is Stated Demi-officially That The Great Conflict...
War Office and the horse Guards which has lasted so many years has ended at last, the Queen having signed an Order in Council which makes the Field-Marshal Commanding-in-Chief a......
The Debate On The Irish Land Bill Was Commenced By
Lord Granville on Tuesday with a somewhat bare exposition of the attempts made at previous legislation, and the objects of the pre- sent measure. The Duke of Richmond, who spoke......
News Of The Week • O N Thursday Night, Mr. Gladstone
seized the opportunity of moving that the House go into Committee on the Education Bill to explain that the Government, having attentively studied up to the very last moment the......
Tve Commence In This Number Our Promised Series Of The
"ESTIMATES OF ENGLISH KINGS." 1 %* The Editors cannot undertake to return Manuscript in any case.......
The Heavy Showers Of Thursday Night Have Cooled London,...
Mark Lane, and comforted the soul of the Treasury, which began to tremble for its surpluses. Wheat had gone up 58. a quarter, under the influence of purchases for France, and......
It May Be Well To Observe That There Is Not
really the slightest necessary contradiction between the new proposal as to the Privy Council grants, and Mr. Richard's notice of "instruction" that "without desiring to......