We have written elsewhere about the new Russian Terror. The
judicial murders arc capable of only one explanation. The wild men arc impelled by fear for their own position, and for the whole of their rigorous anti-rest-of-the-world policy. When men are committed to barbarous extremes they often seem to glory in their methods because they know that in any case they will be held responsible. This is the psychological reason for brazening things out. A singular example of this sort of over-statement and over-confidence is contained in a Note which the Soviet Government sent to Finland in reply to a protest against the execution of Colonel Elvengren :- " We cannot and shall not accept any intervention by any Govern- ment in the matter of the executions made as reprisals for the murder of the Soviet representative in Warsaw. Those people who come into Soviet territory must know that they are no longer .protected by the laws of their own country, and the Soviet code permits the putting to death of people without trial on the order of the police. Lieut.-Col. Elvengron, who had fought against the Soviet forces, knew perfectly well that an official state- of peace between the two countries did not prevent his remaining.a•precious hostage. It is the same for all those whom the Soviet Government think well to imprison and condemn to death." • -10