Now East, Now West. By Susan Ertz. (hal 7s. 6d.)—this
is the most ambitious and satisfying work that the author of Marie-Claire has yet given us. She has succeeded uncommonly well in two things. She has given us an intiman and......
Mn. ARNOLD BENNETT knows that his first business as a novelist is to amuse and not to instruct. That is a thing we must be very thankful for, because when he clioo:-es to write......
The Quarterlies Round Table Begins With A Very Striking...
upon " The New Problem of Africa." • In South Africa gold mines and diamond mines no longer occupy the centre of the economic stage: The native problem is rapidly becoming the......
The "lord Lieutenant"
e Life of Tim Healy. By Liam O'Flaerty. (Jonathan Cape. 12s. ed.) . Ix- his first chapter Mr. Liam O'Flaerty tells his readers that he is about to write a book to " tell the......
Shepherd's Pie. By Owen Archer. (lane. Is. 6( 1 . This Novel
on the problem of the childless marriage is laekt in incident and is needlessly long. But it has strong, 1011 ",.,. dialogue and some good situations. Brian Shepherd. I",......