NOW EAST, NOW WEST. By Susan Ertz. (Hal 7s. 6d.)—This
is the most ambitious and satisfying work that the author of Marie-Claire has yet given us. She has succeeded uncommonly well in two things. She has given us an intiman and convincing picture of the marital relationships between a highly emotional, selfish and snobbish woman and a simple, steady and sincere man ' - and she has admirably contrasted American social standards and customs with our own. Mlles Goodall, the wife of a New York business magnate, persuades her reluctant George to settle in England. In London she gets introductions to the " best " people, and is very liarr for a time. Then, however, her ambition and subtlety over- reach themselves, and, having become involved in a disillo sioning intrigue, she insists on returning to America, tak"I'. with her a dutiful but sorrowful husband, to whom Englar'l - has now grown congenial. The story is rich in varied char3f. terization and is written with an ease and charm that Mr. the highest praise.