General Knowledge Questions.
WE have received such a number of good papers in answer to our General Knowledge Competition that we shall have difficulty in choosing the prize for future weeks. We would ask those contributors to whom no answer is returned to remember that it is impossible to reply to letters individually. We would commend especially the Rev. G. S. Richardson's General Knowledge paper, also Miss Boyd's, and Dr. Segallen's two papers, Miss Vaughan's (History Questions), Mrs. Baillie's (Old Testament), and Miss Pearce's ingenious paper on the League of Nations. Next week we shall publish an amusing Examination on English Literature by Miss Owen and Miss Steel. This week the prize of one guinea is awarded to Miss Winnington-Ingram's Biblical questions which follow :--- Old Testament Questions (A.V.).
I. Who named his daughters Jemirna, Kezia and Kerenhappuch ?
2. Whose bedroom was furnished with a bed and table, stool and candlestick ?
3. Who had one new coat a year I f. Who had a new eoat torn into twelve pieces ?
5. Who had a coat of many "colours ?
6. Who was loft-handed ?
7. Who was lame in his feet ? 6. lyho was bald-headed ?
9. Who used " cast clouts and rotten rags " ?
10. Who used " mouldy bread and old shoes " ?
11. Who used" a line of scarlet thread " ?
12. Where do you find mentioned : (a) an ostrich ; (b) a duke ; - (c) cracknels ; (d) badger akin ; (e) apes and peacocks.
13. 'What is the origin Of these epitaphs : (a) I shall go to him, tut ho shall not return to me; (b) Her children rise up and call her blessed ; (o) The Lord gave and the Lord bath taken away;
(d) I shall see him-but not now4 . -
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