• , Financial Notes
Winn the commencement on Monday of a new account, a rather more cheerful tone was apparent in some departments of the Stock Exchange, and more -especially in .certain of the favourite gambling counters at the moment such as Conrt- aulds, British, American and Canadian Celanese, while in the Mining Market Diamond shares have been in some request. For the most part. however, the main departments of the House continue to be very quiet, with commitments severely restricted in view of the numerous factors to which I referred recently as likely to restrain commit:newts for some little time to come. The quarrel between Jugoslavia and Albania, the fresh outbreak of terrorism in Soviet Russia, the strained rela- tions between Russia and Poland, the disturbed conditions on the Berlin Bourse, to say nothing of the monetary uncertain- ties here occasioned by French demands for gold, all combine to make the outlook for the moment unusually obscure, while anxiety with regard to the coal industry at home is again occasioning dullness in English Railway stocks.
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