Australian Extremists Defeated The New South Wales electors on Saturday
fully approved of the Governor's recent dismissal of Mr. Lang, the extreme Socialist Premier. Mr. Lang had led a party of fifty-five in the last House ; he is left with only twenty- five, and his own majority in a Labour stronghold fell from 9,000 to 742. The new Government, under Mr. Stevens, has now sixty-five supporters in place of thirty- five in the House. The results accord with those of the recent Commonwealth elections. In Queensland on the same day moderate Labour gained a narrow majority in the House and will now return to office. But Mr. Forgan Smith, the Queensland Labour leader, follows Mr. Scullin rather than Mr. Lang, and is_ unlikely to oppose the efforts of Mr. Lyons' Commonwealth Ministry to put Australia's house in order. The elimination of Mr. Lang will certainly assist to that end, for his policy was nothing more nor less than the repudiation of external debts, coupled with defiance of the Cominonwealth.
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