18 JUNE 1932, page 2

The Irish Deadlock The Journey Of The British Ministers To

Ireland and Mr. de Valera's flying visit to London leave the Irish situation completely unchanged. The Irish Cabinet has not moved an inch from the attitude it has maintained"......

Economy At Westminster

The economy movement in the House of Commons is broad-based, and under wise direction it should have good results. The new Government in Germany has early made the discovery......

Australian Extremists Defeated The New South Wales...

fully approved of the Governor's recent dismissal of Mr. Lang, the extreme Socialist Premier. Mr. Lang had led a party of fifty-five in the last House ; he is left with only......

The May Trade Returns, Showing A Reduction Of £18,893,140 In

imports, of £3,698,445 in exports, and of £1,848,315 in re-exports, as compared with May of 1931, bear depressing testimony to the progressive contraction of international......

The Manchurian Enquiry

The statement by Lord Lytton that his Commission is about to begin the drafting of its report on relations between Japan and China generally and the Manchurian situation in......

Varied Views On Gold The Final Report Of The League

of Nations Gold Dele- gation consists of majority and minority findings, Sir Henry Strakosch and Professor Gustav Cassel being among the dissentients. The main difference lies......