A Playground for London
The acquisition of all of the Foundling Hospital site that it was hoped to secure by private subscription is a notable achievement, in regard to which acknowledge-
ment is due in particular to the generosity of Lonl Bothennere, who subscribed altogether £170,000, and to the untiring efforts of Mrs. G. M. Trevelyan, to whom the raising of the balance-1118.000—was indirectly due. But the task is still by no means completed. Five-eighths of the whole site have been acquired for public use. It remains for the L.C.C., the City Cor- poration and the local borough councils primarily con- cerned to face the possibility of securing the most northerly part, which contains the school buildings. and so preserving in perpetuity an open space vital to the health and welfare of Central London. particularly to the children of it.
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