18 JUNE 1932, Page 3

The Chilean Revolution

The group of soldiers and politicians who carried out a revolution in Chile on June 4, and announced that they would establish a Socialist State, began somewhat ominously by taking over the Central Bank and confis- cating its assets, besides seizing all foreign currency in all the banks. It appears from Captain Eden's statement in the House of Commons on Monday that the British Charge d'Affaires, without recognizing the new Junta, made a vigorous protest against these measures. A tele- gram of the same day to The Times shows that the protest was effective, in that the Central Bank had been freed from revolutionary control, though nothing is said about the deposits in the other banks. It is understood that the United States Government will make a similar protest, for American interests in the Chilean nitrate and copper indus- tries are enormous. Meanwhile the new Junta has lost its best-known member, Senor Davila, the former Chilean Minister to Washington, and seems to have raised more expectations in the unemployed masses than it knows how

to satisfy.