Sir: It is interesting to note that Robert Maxwell is doing his bit for Soviet prop- aganda in the English classroom. The Pocket Encyclopaedia of the World (pub- lished by Macdonald Orbis — part of Maxwell's BPCC empire) contains the following information. Nato is 'a military and political grouping of western coun- tries'. The Warsaw pact, however, is 'a military and political union of the Euro- pean socialist countries for defensive pur- poses'. This is the only description of the two organisations given in the book, and it appears on page 30.
The dust jacket announces 'A pocket handbook for easy reference at home, at school, and in the office'.
Sure enough, the small print gives it away: the book is copyright Kartografie, Prague, 1981, 1987; and a small admission announces, 'maps, text, and index pre- pared and printed by Kartographie, Pra- gue, Czechoslovakia'.
Robert Twigger
342 Westbourne Park Road, London W11