18 JUNE 1988, page 25

Curious Complaint

Sir: Christopher Sylvester's curious public complaint about his 'miserly' cheque for £25 for a 2,000-word-plus book review in the Literary Review (Letters, 30 April) is......

Nationalising Drugs

Sir: You state that 'legalising' drugs of addiction other than marijuana would be a bad thing so why not 'nationalise' them? Supplying one week's drug plus the syring- es and......

Arminian Margaret

Sir: I was interested to read Charles Moore's comments on the Prime Minister's address to the General Assembly of the Church of Scotland (Diary, 28 May). I would remind him that......


Sir: It is interesting to note that Robert Maxwell is doing his bit for Soviet prop- aganda in the English classroom. The Pocket Encyclopaedia of the World (pub- lished by......

Mrs Gorbachev

Sir: I was interested in the article about the influence of Mr Thatcher on the Prime Minister (lust the one for Denis', 7 May). But it was not until I heard Martin Walker,......

Letters Drug Plug

Sir: Your leader (`Opium and the People', 11 June) was as usual, superb in its refusal to cringe before the received wisdom. There is just one point where I disagree. It would......

Breaking Embargoes Sir: Your Editorial (`jumping The...

on the recondite topic of the Sunday Times's book reviewing policy was non- sense. Periodicals often review books days and even weeks before their official publication date,......