18 MARCH 1905, Page 23

Crockford's Clerical Directory. (Horace Cox. 20s.) - We can realise the value

of Crockford if we imagine what a treasure such an account of the personalities of the clergy would be if we had it for a year two or three centuries ago. The editor hints at a change in the preface. Wo deprecate it. Wo have always turned eagerly to the preface ; nor do we think that notable topics will ever fail. One correspondent requested that a theatrical engagement which he had between his Deacons' and Priests' orders should be recorded. Another demanded a fee of ten shillings for correcting the notice about himself. A third was furious at the asterisk which indicated that his name was on the books of his University. The twenty-four thousand Anglican clergy will always supply cranks enough to give an editor employment and his readers amusement.