The Trojan Women. Translated Into English Rhyming Verse...
Murray, LL.D. (G. Allen. 2s.)—We expect admir- able work in the way of translation from Professor Murray, and we certainly get it. He deals, it is true, freely with his......
Paring For Ordination. They Are Full Of Good Sense...
and on occasion show qualities which the term "good sense" is not taken to connote. The lecturer is not above going into details; and he is not afraid to speak plainly when......
The Story Of The Life And Work Of Martin J.
Hall. By his Sister. (Hodder and Stoughton. 6s.)—A critic of a biography generally has to suggest omissions, but he does it with diffidence. We should say that the preliminary......
The Seething Pot.*
TEE name of Mr. George A. Birmingham is unfamiliar to the general or the novel-reading public, but there are two good reasons for believing it to be a pseudonym. First of all,......
The Root. By Orme Agnus. (ward, Lock, And Co. 6s.)—
" Orme Agnus" gives us in The Root another story concerning the same world of countrymen with whom he dealt in his last and most enchanting novel, " Sarah Tuldon." Tho present......