In vanquishing the insurgents at Almeida, Viscount FORTE Nova. emulated
the politeness of the Irish Crown-lawyers when they sent to ask Mr. O'CONNELL how he would like to be arrested ?—emu- lated and excelled, for Count Boxtrrat was not asked how he would like to be arrested, but how he would like to escape ? He did not show himself fully sensible of the courtesy, for he not only exacted very hard terms from his victors, but after all broke them. He made FORTE NOVA agree to allow him two hours to escape in ; and he took seven. Another service the Royalist appears gratuitously to have performed for the Rebel: the insurgent soldiery are marched out of the town, sent to depots, and are to be drafted by small parties into the regular army. This is just the way they make bread,—putting in a little of the old leaven to inspirit the whole; and just as the bread rises we may look to see the Portuguese army rise some fine day. The late revolution was perhaps the smallest ever known ; but, by dint of careful nursing, the officials not only made the most of it, but have saved seed for future crops.