The Fifth Annual Meeting Of The British And Foreign...
Society was held yesterday, at Exeter Hall. In the absence of Lord Brougham, (who was to have presided, but wrote to say that he could not be spared from the Judicial Committee......
The Election Of A Member Of The Provincial Parliament For
the city of Montreal, to which so much importance has been Justly attached, has been decided in favour of the party opposed to Sir Charles Met- calfe. It is a very untoward......
At Bow Street Police-office, Yesterday, William Toole, A...
was charged with sending letters to Sir Robert Peel and Lord Eliot, complaining of distress, and unequivocally hinting that he would assassinate them. He admitted the offence ;......
The General Assembly Of The Church Of Scotland Was Opened
at Edinburgh on Thursday, with the usual state ; the Marquis of Bute representing the Queen as Lord High Commissioner. The Reverend Principal Lee was chosen Moderator. The......
A Deputation From The Joint-stock Banks Had An Interview...
Sir Robert Peel and Mr. Goulburn yesterday, to urge modifications of the Government banking measure. They wished that the average of their issues should be taken on one instead......
SATURDAY NIGHT. The House of Commons transacted some business last night; not -without a good deal of talk. The order of the day was read for going into Committee of the whole......
The Average Number Of Letters Passing Through The...
week at the present time, as shown by returns to the House of Com- mons just published, is upwards of 4,598,573. A correspondent re- marks, that " if every letter thus sent......
Divisions On The Ten-hours Proposition.
[The Times publishes the following explanation of the changes in the several chief divisions on the two Factory Bills : it is more instruc- tive than the mere list of the last......
East India Shipping.
Anarveo—At Gravesend, 15th inst. Regiva. Stace; and Gloriaus. Webb. from Calcutta; and Nepali'. Campbell. from Madras; 16th, Wilson, Houston, from Sydney. Off Hastings, 15th.......