18 MAY 1844, Page 9

The fifth annual meeting of the British and Foreign Anti-Slavery

Society was held yesterday, at Exeter Hall. In the absence of Lord Brougham, (who was to have presided, but wrote to say that he could not be spared from the Judicial Committee of the Privy Council,) Mr. Samuel Gurney was called to the chair. A number of leading Abo- litionists were on the platform, and the attendance, especially of ladies, was numerous. A long report was read, and several resolutions in the usual strain were passed ; but the proceedings were not quite unruffled. As an amendment on the motion for printing and circulating the report, Mr. George Thompson moved an instruction to the Committee, "to abstain from acting in their official capacity on that part of the constitu- tion which pledges the Society to promote the adoption of fiscal regula- tions in favour of free labour, until a special meeting has been held to reconsider the articles as they bear on that question.', The Reverend Mr. Hinton, one of the Committee, pledged them to consult their con- stituents on the subject ; on which Mr. Thompson was induced to with- draw his amendment. Subsequently, however, Mr. O'Connell spoke in favour of differential duties for Anti-Slavery purposes ; that called up Mr. Bright against all restrictive duties ; a warm discussion grew to be an angry altercation ; Mr. Thompson once more rose, indignant, and moved his amendment again ; and it was carried !