Orrice OF ORDNANCE, MAY 11.-First Lieut. A. Benn to be Ste. Capt. vice-Geary, dec • Sec. Limit. S. Robinson to be First Lieut. vice Rena.
msorandires.-The dates of promotion el the undermentioned Officers have been altered as follows-See. Capt. H. A. Turner. 14th Jas. 1844; Sec. Capt. T. B F. Mar- tiOtt, 110111 March, 1644; See. Capt. W. H. Elliot. lot April 1844; Sec. Capt. T. Ramsay. 15th April 1814; First Lieut, D. M. Fraser, 14th Jan. :844; First Lieut. J. D
7th March 1844; First Lieut. C. J. Strange. 30th March 1844; First Lieut. C. Frye, id April 1949; First Lieut. F. C. Standish. 15th April 1844.
WAR-OFFICE, May 17.-6t1, liegt. of Drags-Lieut. H. D. White to he Capt. by pur- chase. vice Thompson. who retires; Cornet F. W. J. FitzWygram to he Lieut. by pur- chase, vice White. 8th Drags-Limit. G. Lockeood. from the 75th Foot. to be Lieut. vice Cooper, who exchanges. 10th L'ght Drags.-Lieut. J. Wilkie to be Capt. by pur- chase, vice Wood, promoted ; Cornet F. Leish to be Lieut. by purchase, vice Wilkie; C. H. S. G. Lord Ganagli to be Cornet, by purchase, vice Leigh. llth Foot-Major W. Cliambre, fr, m half-pay unattached, to be Major. ice Ilisshopp. 18th Fuot -Lieut. W. T. Bruce to be Adjt. vice Graves. promoted; Ensign It. H. Farrer to be Lieut, without purchase, vice Bruce. appended Adjt. • R. Holahan, Gent, to be Eusign.
out purchase, vice Ferrer. 70th Foot -W. D. M. Best, Gent, to be Ensigsut-lb par chase, vice Young, who retires. 7511. Foot-Lieut. W. H. Cooper, from h i,'hi Drags. to be Lieut. vice Lockwood. who exchauges. 85th Foot-Ensign J. A. Keyt, to be Lieut. without purchase. a-ice Lethbridge, deceased ; C. 11. Aide. Gent, tuba Ensign, vi ithout purchase, vice Kest. e9th Foot-Ensign A. M.Geachy Al leyne to be Lieut by purchase, vice Mills, who retires ; A. E. Willey, Gout, to be Eusigu, by pur- chase, vice Alleyne.
Unattached-Brevet Col. C. Bisshopp. from 11th Foot, lobe Lieut.-Col. by purchase; Brevet Col. Sir T. H. Browne, from Capt. half-pav gad Foot, to be Major, eithoet pur- chase ; Brevet Major W. Chambre. from the 11th "Foot. to be Major, without purchase; Capt. R. B. Wood, rrom the 10th Light Drags. lobe Major, by purchase.
Memorandum- Major 0. Pilling, upon half-pay Unattached, and Fort-Major at Sheer- ness, has been allowed to retire from the senice, with the sale of an Unatt :ched majority.