The lodger franchise was debated again on Tuesday, after the
close of the conversation on the Scotch Reform Bill, and Mr. Disraeli assented to the enfranchisement of lodgers in rooms (not less than two) of 101. clear annual value, who are to be compelled to reside twelve months before they can gain the franchise. The motion to substitute six months for twelve was defeated by 208 to 145, or a majority of 63. Mr. Goscheu twitted Mr. Disraeli with having made rating the principle of his Bill, and then given it up in the case of the lodger. Mr. Disraeli stating that he thought it "for the convenience of society" that a taunt twice levelled at him by Mr. Goschen should not, on the second occasion, be allowed to pass unnoticed, accused Mr. Gosehen of feeling a sense of pique at what occurred last year, which he thought it would be " discreet" in Mr. Goschen " at least to veil." After saying this " for the convenience of society,"—which was surely a transcendental reason to give for a mere snarl,—he added for his own convenience that he only based the ordinary borough franchise on the principle of rating,—that he had always proposed to include supplementary franchises like the savings' bank franchise, and that this lodger franchise is one of them. Mr. Disraeli seems to forget that the other fancy franchises are not based on mere value, and that he has energetically repudiated the principle of mere value. A 101. lodger franchise is precisely identical in principle with the 71. rental franchise he has so pertinaciously ridiculed and repudiated.