There Is, However, A Strong Rumour Afloat, Which We Partly
believe, that all the redistribution clauses in the Reform Bill will be dropped, on the ground of want of time. The Bill will then pass as a franchise Bill only, Mr. Disraeli......
News Of The Week.
T HE Luxemburg Treaty was signed in London this day week, and is, we suppose, by this time ratified. The Conservative papers are very great on the success of Lord Stanley in......
The Reform Bill For Scotland Was Introduced On Monday...
The borough franchise is the same in form as the English, but it will work rather differently. There are no compounding Acts in Scotland, but as a rule the tenant who pays less......
A Meeting Of The Same Union Was Held On Wednesday,
at St. James's Hall, and was attended by some ten members of Parlia- ment, including Mr. Bright and Mr. Forster. The meeting pledged itself, in a series of resolutions, to......
It Is Particularly Requested That All Applications For...
the SPECTATOR, and communications upon matters of business, should not be addressed to the Editor, but to the Publisher, 1 Wellington Street, Strand, W.C.......
Up To Friday Night France Has Not Given The Slightest
sign of an intention to disarm, and according to the Berlin cor- respondent of the Times considerable uneasiness is still felt in that capital. He states on official and......
A Deputation From The National Reform Union—a New And More
moderate Reform League—waited on Mr. Gladstone on SaetisClay, to express their dislike of the Tory Bill and their con- fidence in himself. In reply, Mi. Gladstone told them that......
Mr. Disraeli Seems To Have Been Much Irritated By The
deputa- diaries," and regretted that persons of that kind " should have come forward to pay their homage to one who, wherever he may sit, must always be the pride and ornament......
Mr. Gladstone Made An Important Speech Last Night In Favour
of the motion for the complete abolition in Parliamentary boroughs of the Small Tenements' and other local compound- ing Acts. He showed that this was quite in harmony with the......