The final settlement of the Luxemburg question, the prospect of
large arrivals of gold from Australia and the United States, and the great abundance of money seeking employment, have given additional firmness to the market for home and Indian securities. Prices, therefore, have further advanced, although the business transacted has not been equal to the previous week. On Monday Consols were done at 91/, , and yesterday they closed at 921,1; Reduced and New„Three per Cents. have been901, ; India Bonds, 47s. to 54s. premium ; and Exchequer Bills 21s. to 26s. premium. There has been about an average business doing in Foreign Bonds and Railway Shares. With some few exceptions prices have ruled tolerably firm. The best short commercial paper has been readily discounted at 2i to 3 per cent. The New South Wales loan of 832,0001. has all been taken up. The bonds have been 11 premium.