A Broadcasting Calendar
FRIDAY, MAY 18th 17.15 Goodwill Day Children's Programme-World Wireless Message of the Children of Wales .. . W.R. 19.3o Along the Roman Roads : G. M. Boumphrey. A new
series for walkers and amateur explorers .. .. • • N. 20.00 Famous Trials-Simon Lord Lovat, 1747. Repeat per-
formance .. . N. 21.00 Music of the Church-Chester. Relayed from the Cathe- dral. Organ and choir ..
22.0o Gotterdiiinmersing, Act III, from Covent Garden &c. 22.20 Short Story-Tbe Mon Miserable of Mtn : Desmond SATURDAY, MAY 19th
50.45 A Traveller in Search of Music : Philip Thornton .. 17.15 Children's Hour Programme from a ward in the Children's Hospital, Great Ormond Street. .. • •
18.30 The Australian Team : Howard Marshall .. . 58.45 Labour, Learning, Leisure : Thomas Jones, C.H. (in Welsh).N., 19.05 Island Tour-I.- S. B. Iviais Imes- doe Islands of Britain, beginning with the Outer Hebrides 20.30 The Week in Scotland : George Blake 21.20 Time to Spare : the unemployed series .
22.30 Gladstone 's opening address at the Saltney Institute, read by Ian Sinclair Phail. (Anniversary of Gladsume's death) SUNDAY, MAY 20th z r.00 Service from Birmingham Cathedral : Rt. Rev. A. Hamilton Baynes.
14.4o Queen Elizabeth's Subjects-Cardinal Allen A. L. Rowse 16.50 Bach Church Cantata No. 82..
17.30 Pillars'of the English Church-Frederick Denison Maurice : Professor C. E. Raven
17.45 Chamber. Music : Reginald Paul Pianoforte Quartet and Margrit Franke. Brahms and Frank Bridge
19.30 Poems of William Morris : read by David Gretton
19.55 Scottish- Religious Service from Govan Old Church, Glasgow : Rev. G. F. Macleod, M.C.
19.55 Scottish Episcopal Service from St. Mary's Cathedral,
Edinburgh : Very Rev. W. J. Margetson 20.00 Presbyterian Service from Trinity Church, Bath: Rev.
R. C. Gillie, D.C.L.
21.05 Symphony Concert, including " -Das Ilebestrull der
Apostel " (Wagner) for chorus and orchestra .. MONDAY, MAY zest 18.5o Books in General : Desmond MacCarthy .. N. 19.30 Versailles and After .. N. 20.00 John Southern's Hour of Old-time Music-hall .. N. 20.00 Chamber Concert-Quartet and Songs. Armstrong Gibbs,
Elgar, &c.N.R. 2.o.00 Patuffa Kennedy-Fraser and Margaret Kennedy in " Songs
of the Hebrides' S.R.
21.15 Arabe/la, Act II, from .. -Garde-n-
. &c.
21.20 Mind, the Doctor-Fatigue and the Modem World : by a 21.35 Bank Holiday-a Whitsun Holiday Radio News-Reel .. N. TUESDAY, MAY zznd aa.00 Opening of the General Assembly of the Church of Scotland. Service from St. Giles's Cathedral, Edinburgh 13.0o Opening Ceremony from the Hall of Assembly
20.30 The Web of Thought and Action-Speaking our Minds-
a Discussion .. • .
21.45 Die Meistersinger, Act III, from Covent Garden .. WEDNESDAY, MAY 23rd 10.45 Thinking Aloud : A. G. Street . . N.
18.50 Science in the Making : Gerald Heard .. N. 59.05 For Farmers Only : John Morgan .. N. 19.30 In Trouble-The Adult Offender : Lt.-Col. Sir Vivian
Henderson. An account of " star " prisoners. N. zo.00 Edinburgh Entertains-a play for Assembly Week by-
Christine Orr- . S.R.
21.10 Impressions of Germany : Sir Arnold Wilson, C.M.G. .. N. .
zi.zo Films Worth Seeing : Oliver Baldwin ..- . N. 25.35 Symphony Concert: B.B.C. Orchestra. Mozart, Franck, &c. N. 25.35 Speech on the Abolition of the Slave Trade by William
Wilberforce, 1789. N.R. 21.55 Pilot Station-a relay from the Gravesend Pilot Station, Royal Terrace Pier .. . • • • .. &c.
10.45 The Year in Whitehall : Mrs. Oliver Strachey. .. N. 17.15 Waterways of England-No. 9. " Anglers on the -Dove " :
L. du Garde Peach. . . N.
18.55 Die Meistersinger, Act I, from Garden L.R., &c. 59.00 Empire Day Programme from Australia-the first overseas contribution of a new series . N. 19.30 The International Side of Trade Unionism : Walter M. CitrincN. 21.0o Wings of the Morning : new radio play by Lance Sievcking.
The story of a crime committed in the fourth dimension .. L.R. liao Royal Empire Society Banquet. Speech by Lord Lon-
21.35 Recital : Stiles-Allen, lids Kersey and Berkeley Mason .. N. Foundations of Marie (18.30 N.) May tlth. Monteverdi's Madrigals : the Wireless Singers. May 2ISt, 2211d.,
23rd, 25th. Beethoven's Pianoforte Sonatas ; Edward Isaacs. N.
N. N.
N. S.R. N.
N. N. N.
N. M.R.
N. S.R. W.R. L.R.
S.R. S.R.
N. N.