Rhe Problem Of Palestine [to The Editor Of Tim Spectator.]
Sni,—In his criticism of Sir Evelyn Wrench is excellent article on Palestine, Mr. Israel , . Cohen firstly finds it "dis- quieting " that people still persist in believing that......
A Law For Pedestrians [to The Editor Of The Spectator.]
SIR,—A " Law for Pedestrians," recently demanded (and with some truculence) by writers of letters to the daily Press, would be welcomed by none more warmly than the luckless......
The Panel System [to The Editor Of The Spectator.]...
is little real conflict between Mrs. Green's state- ments and those in my article. The difference is in the con- clusions we have drawn from our respective experienees. do not......
Insurance Of Valuables [to The Editor Of The Spectator.1...
few people either read or . understand their policies of insurance that I think it may be useful to call the attention of persons insuring jewellery or other valuables to an......