Italy, Hungary and Austria Italy has kept her compact and
concluded by the appointed date, May 15th, the economic agreements discussed when Dr. Dollfuss and the Hungarian Prime Minister, General Gombiis, met Signor Mussolini in Rome in March. Some details still remain to be settled, and the question of hoW existing most-favoured-nation treaties are to be circumvented seems to be left a little vague, but it is clear that Italy, partly no doubt for political reasons, has offered substantial advantages to both Austria and Hungary. She is to buy a considerable quantity of wheat from Hungary at a price which satisfies Budapest and a good deal of timber froth both Austria and Hungary, while Austria will take Hungarian wheat and will find in Italian markets larger -outlets for various classes of her own industrial products. Italy's main gain will be in the export of wine to the two other countries. Transit through Trieste and Fiume will be facilitated. The agreement opens certain new channels for trade and as such is to be welcomed. What three countries can do in this direction is limited, and much wider economic accords in the Danube Valley are needed. But it is something to make a beginning.
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