Considering that most notable collect for Whitsunday, With its petition—as
necessary as almost any petition—that we may have a right judgement in all things," I noted that the Prayer Book I was using had the spelling " judgment." But another I consulted later has, in both prayers and Psalms, " judge- ment " ; the former, I fancy, was the 1928 book. The Authorised Version has " judgment,' the Revised " judgement." It is an old controversy, and, no doubt, either form is correct, though the Oxford Dictionary puts " judgement " first. For myself. I have never been able to understand why, when you add the termination " -ment " to the word " judge," you should shear off the last letter of " judge," any more than you do with " atone when you add " -ment ' to it. Moreover, " g " is normally hard except before e or i. Try to pronounce " judgment " with the g as in " augment." Having said all that, let me freely admit that where orthography is concerned analogy is worthless.