Sia.—one Of Your Correspondents Remarks That Women...
men. I don't know how this stands statistically, but it is very obvious that the number of available men is heavily thinned out by systems of education which aim at making a man......
Sir. —mrs. Robert Henrey's Viewpoint Is Admirable And...
too often been chasing a Pia morgana, and in the effort to assume the position of men are imperilling their own future happiness. With great public devotion they have allowed......
Parish Magazines
SIR. —The letter from the Rev. H. J. Hammerton is so courteous, sd moderate in tone, and I so much appreciate his fair-mindedness in, sending me two copies of his own parish......
The New Feminism
Sta.—U. Henriques states that she has noticed no inclination among the young ladies of Oxford or Cambridge to soft-pedal their femininity. I happen to be the daughter of a......
Letters To The Editor
Braunton Burrows Six.—Will you allow me space in which to reply to the remarks made by Janus in your issue of May I I th, which relate to the recent enquiry on the military......