BRITISH FUNDS. (Closing Prices.) SaturdayMenday Tuesday Wedset
Theirs. Flizl est
3 per Cent. Consols Ditto for Account 3 per Cents. Reduced 34 per Ceuta Reduced New 31 per Ceuts Long Annuities Sauk Stock, 7 per cent. India Stock, 101
Exchequer Bills. lid. p. diem
India Bonds. 34 per cent 961 961 964 96e 961 964 964 961 961 961 951 954 951 951 950 1021 1021 1021 1021 1021 1031 103 103 103 1031 - 121 124 124 124 180 180* 1801 181 181 2704 271
61 pm- . 63 61 so 62
76 pm. 80 74 76 74 961 961 951 1024 103 121 181 271 60 74 FOREIGN FUNDS.
(Last Official Quotation daring the Week ending Friday Evening.) Alabama (Sterling) Sp. Ct. 75 Mexican
' 5 p. Ct. . 5 1121 • Ditto (Deferred) 5
Belgian 5 - 103 Michigan 6 Brasilian 5 75 Mississippi (Sterling) ...6
Buenos Ayres 6 - 291 Neapolitan s
Cuba 6 - 91 New York (1858) Chiliau 6 100 Ohio Columbian of 1824 6 - 111 Pennsylvania Danish 3 - 86 Peruvian Dutch (Ex 12 Guilders) 24 - 591 Portuguese Ditto (Ditto) 5 - 100 Ditto (Converted) Fretich 3 - 81E 50c. Russian Ditto 5 - - Spanish Indiana (Sterling) 5 - 37 Ditto (Passive) Illinois 6 - - Ditto (Deferred)
Kentucky . 6 - - South Carolina 5 p. Cl. Louisiana (Sterling) ....5 - 62 Tennessee 6
Maryland (Sterling) ....5 - 60 United States Bank Massachusetts (Sterling) 5 - - Virginia. 6 - 5 - 6 5 - 6 -
5 5 30
at so
93 90 62 231 71 431 1151 214 41 lle 18$.
(Last Official Quotation
Bolanos Brazilian Imperial Ditto (St. John del Rey) British Iron Candouga Cobre Copper
Chelte u ham and Great Western Edinburgh and Glasgow Eastern Counties Grand Juuctiun Great Western Liverpool and Manchester London and Brighton London and Blackwell.
Loudon and Greeuwich London and Birmingham Loudon aud Croydon Mancherwr and Leeds Midland '20wities North Midland South-eastern and Dover South-western SHARES.
during the Week ending Friday Evening.) Bairas-
- Australasian British North American 121 Colonial - Londou and Westminster - London Joint Stock - National of Leland National Provincial Provincial of Ireland 551 Union of Australia 9/ Union of London -- DOCKS - 904 East and West India - London
as St. Katherine 4 MISCELLANEOUS
4 Australian Agricultural 217 British American Land 131 Canada - General Steam 791 New Zealand 834 Royal Mail Steam 294 South Australian 69 Van Diemen's Land 481 141
124 331 931 291
si 1251 se
Gold, Foreign In Bars ...per oz. Old Spanish. or Pillar Dollars.. Mexican Dollars
Silver in Bars. Standard 0 31.
0 0 17s. 0
4 ad. 0
111 Ilk METALS.
Copper, British Cab...per ton 861. 10s.
Ire.. British Bars 5 2
Lead, British Pig 17 0 Steel. English 0 0
Ole 840 4 6 - S St U - 0 0 0 0 - 0 0 0
GRAIN, Mark Lane, November 17.
The supplies of English Wheat have been moderate during the week, and a fah clearance was made during previous market days. This morning there are not many samples on show, and the demand being somewhat improved, Monday's prices are fully maintained. There is rather more inquiry for Foreign Wheat, having a taw buyers from distant parts of the country, but we are not enabled to establish any procement in prices. Barley being in better aupply than usual, has rather a declining aspect for all qualities ; but Peas and Beans are steady in value. Although the receipts of Oats from Ireland and other parts are unusually moderate this week, the demand is very sluggish, and previous prices barely maintained.
Wheat, RedNewtt to 40 Fine 48 .. 51
Old 38..44 White 44 .. 48
Fine 30 .. 56 SoperflneNew50 .. 56 AVERAGE PRICES OF CORN. Per Quarter (Imperial) of England and Wales. Wheat50s. 1 Id 1 Rye 49s. led Barley... .... 90 II Beam . 90 1 Oats ..... 17 11 Peas . ..... 83 0
BUTTER-Best Fresh 1M. Od. per doz. Carlow. 31.14s. to 41.13s. per ewt.
BACON, Small Old, per cwt.... Oslo 00.
CHEESE. Cheshire 46.. to Ws, Derby Plain 460.10 54s,
HAMS, York . 890.10 80s.
EGOS. French... per 120 5s Od. to 8s. Od.
Sussex Pockets Kent Pockets.
Choice Ditto
Flue Ditto I40 - 180 Scotch Beds 50 - 35 103 - 110 Devon s 80 - 0 Ilt - 113 Kent and Essex Whites. ..... 40 .. 43 105.10 105s to 113.. York Reds parts 50s. to 70s.
Veal Pork Beef
Lamb 9 4 .. 8 4 .. 4 4 3 0 . 3 8 ..a 2 11 • .. 210 .. 3 4 it 0 .. 8 8 .. 4 6
2. Ed, to its. Od. to 3s. 4d. 2s. led. to as ttd to 4.I,1.
25 .. 3 4 .. 8 10 3 6 . 4 0 .. 4 6 0 0 .. 0 0 ., 0 0
HAY AND STRAW. (Per Load of 36 Trusses.) calm REIMAN D. 8311THFIELD. POSTMAN WHITF.CHAPRL Hay, Good 70s... 80. 60s... SM..... Os... Os 40o.. ein
Inferior 55 .. 60 0 .. 0
Note 0 .. 0
Clover 90 .. 108 90 . 105 0 .. 0 .. .. 05 .. IN Wheat Straw 48 .. 83
R'W.Td per cot les. 641
0 0 0
Limeea On ........... 9 0
Linseed Oil Cake per 1000 0 0 • CAN DLES, per dozen, 5s.0d. to Os. Od. Moulds (ed. per 0,0 5. COALS. Helton 41.. SM.
Tees 18,55. 5. • .
Rye 29 to 32 Maple 30 1. 08 Barley 25 .. 26 White an . an
Matting to .38 Boilers 37 3.9
Malt, Ordinary. 34 ..58 Beans, Ticks 47 .. 91
Fine as . se Old 30 .. 33
Peas, Hog.... 28 ..30 Harrow 84., 84
S. S.
Oats. Feed . .181018
Fine . 19 ..110 Poland . • .. 21. . 84 Fme .....
Pose..., 23 .. 24 DUTY ON FOREIGN CORN For the present Week. Wheat thrs. Od Rye 1I..44
Barley 50 Ross..... 10 8 Data 58 Pena 9 I
Town-made ...... ..........per sack 45s. to 50s. Seconds.. .............. ............ 40 - 45 Essex and Suffolk. on board ship... 33 - 40 Norfolk and Stockton 30 -- 53
BRAN per gunner 00.10 Os.
POLLARD. One Os. to O.. BREAD, ed. to 844. the 4th. Loaf.
• To sink the offel-per 8112.. HEAD OF CAME AT Sid ITISPIRLD .
Bemts. Sheep. Calves Pim
Friday ....... ...... ........ .... 654 ........ 5,640 453 Monday 3,304 DJ 891 113 . .. 3241
TEA, Bohea, fine, p.1111. Os. 01. - 0 0. Congou, One .........I S -04 Semitone, Soa I 8 3 0 In Bond-Duty 2.. Id. per lb. COFFEE. fine (in bd) per cm. Mk to150i
Good Ordinary 36• to 70,, SUG A R,Mu-corsoio. per ewt.33..513. West India Molasses. . 43s.