18 NOVEMBER 1843, page 2

The Marquis Of Bate's Magnificent Seat Of Luton Hoo Was

destroyed by fire on Friday morning. At two o'clock that morning, the under- gardener, who slept in one of the lower rooms, beard a loud noise like the cracking of cart-whips,......

Without Any Very Serious Disaster, The Working Of The...

Parliament has been unsatisfactory and disheartening. The spirit of contention has been principally displayed in reference to the seat of government ; a question needlessly......

The Last Stone Of The Lighthouse On The Western End

of Plymouth Breakwater was set on the 9th instant, by Sir Samuel Pym, Rear- Admiral Superintendent of the Dockyard. The tower is 120 feet in height from the bottom of the sea,......


Lord Carew has declined to act on the Land Tenures Commission ; but Sir Robert Ferguson, the Whig Member for Derry City, has ac- cepted the appointment. The Commission is now......