Advices from Rome, of the 6th instant, state that the
Pontifical troops, joining the garrison of the Marches upon the Austrian frontier, had re- volted, had threatened an attack on the fortress of Ferrara, still in possess- ion of the Austrians, and had raised the cry of "the Republic!" No offi- cial statement or report of the affair had appeared at Rome; but General Zucchi, the Minister of War, had set out for Bologna and Ferrara, and the I:Unitary had resolved on prompt and extraordinary measures to raise im- mediate supplies. The Chambers were to assemble on the 16th, and most of the members had already arrived.
The Corriere Mercantile, of Genoa, mentions that several small detach- ments of Poles passed through Chambery on the 9th, on their way to Tus- cany, to enter the service of that power. Others were shortly expected from France.