By A Certain Farcical Vigour Of Dialogue, And By...
neatness in the structure of his pieelia, Mr. J. Maddison Morton has made for himself a distinctive position. -Ho equally avoids the Scylla of those who write random nonsense......
The Bride Of Lammermoor Was Produced On Tuesday At Covent
Garden; Mr. Sims Reeves and Mademoiselle Nissen performing the parts of the hero and heroine. Reeves's Edgar Ravenswood is his happiest effort: taken as a whole—as a dramatic......
An Accident Occurred Yesterday On The London And Datcbet...
by which one man was killed and several others were seriously hurt- The express-traiel which left the Waterloo Bridge station at half-past five p. m., reached the junction at......
Theatres And Music.
Characters which are preiiminently feminine, and stand as types of that deep tenderness which forms the essential virtue of woman's nature, are suited above all others to Mrs.......
The Society Of British Musicians Gave The First Of A
series of "Chamber Concerts," in the Hanover Square Rooms, on Monday evening. The au- dience was numerous, but, from the number of familiar faces we saw around us, it seemed of......
Mendelssohn's Elijah Was Again Performed By The Sacred...
at Exeter Hall, last night, to an immense audience. On Friday next, the oratorio will be the Messiah—Costa's first essay as conductor in the works of Handel, and Sims Reeves's......
TO THE EDITOR OF THE SPECTATOR. 15th November. Sin—By an accident I have only today seen the Spectator of lust Saturday, in which you do me the honour to insert my remarks upon......
Money Market.
STOCK EXCHANGE, FRIDAY AFTERNOON. The Stock Market has continued firm and to advance slowly during the whole week. The settlement of the Consol Account occurred on Tuesday.......