WAit-osvics, Nov. 17.-3d Drag. Guards—A. C. Shaw, Gent, to be Vet. Sung. vice Browne, deceased. 31st Regt. of Foot—Second Lieut. T. Trail, from half-pay list 'was to be Ensign, without purchase; A. Cassidy, Gent, to be Ensign, by purchase, vice Trail!, who retires. 33d Foot—V. Bennett, Gent, to be Ensign, by purchase, vice Wnliank8on, promoted in the 98th Foot. 38th Foot—Lieut. H. Hoiden, to be Adjt. vice Frith, promoted. 42d Foot—Lieut. T. R. D. Hay to be Capt. by purchase, vice Dou- glas, who retires ; Ensign J. C. 14PLeod to be Lieut. by purchase, vice slay, J. G. Campbell, Gent, to be Ensign, by purchase, vice It'Leod. 4801 Foot—Ensign W. R. Williamson, from the 33d Foot, to be Lieut. without purchase, vice O'Sullivan. who re- tires; Sergeant-Major Edward M'Mulliff to be Quartermaster, vice Richardson, deceased. 73d Foot—Sergt. Patrick Fletcher, from the Scots Fusilier Guards, to be Adjutant, with the rank of Ensign. Tice Burnop, killed at the Cape. 77th Foot—B. D. Gilby, Gent, to be Ensign without purchase, vice Darley, deceased. Slat Foot—Major T. St. Leger Alcock, from half-pny Unatt. to be Major' vice Brevet Lieut.-Col. G. V. Creagb, who exchanges ; Capt. G. Renny to be Major, by purchase, vice Aicock, who retires; Lieut. II. Austen to be Capt. by purchase, vice Renny En- sign P. G. R. Lake to be Lieut. by purchase, vice Austen ; II. L. Villiers, Gent, to be Ensign, by purchase, vice Lake. Unattached--Ldeut. J. T. J. English, from the 71st Foot, lobe Capt. without purchase.
ADMIZALTY, Nov. 14.—Corps of Royal Marines—H. F. Cooper, Gent, to be Sec. Limit.; J. H. Maskerry, Gent. to be sec. Lied.; W. IL H. West, Gent, to be See. Lieut; H. C. Mudge, Gent, to be Sec. Lieut.