18 NOVEMBER 1916, Page 13


Tee article under the above heading, dealing wills the desecration of beautiful places by the scattering of pieces of paper and other picnic debris, which appeared in our issue of August 26th, has now been reprinted as a leaflet suitable for distribution in schools, &c. Copies can be obtained from Messrs. W. Spesight and Sons, 98-99 Fetter Lane, E.C., at the price of 24. 6d. per hundred, post free. NOTICE.—When "Correspondence" or Articles are signed with the writer's name or initials, or with a pseudonym, or are marked "Communicated," the Editor must not necessarily be held to be in agreement with the views therein expressed or with the mode of expression. hi suds instances, or in the case of "Letters to the Editor," insertion only means that the matter or point of view is considered of sufficient interest and importance to warrant publication.