War Funds.
[To 7HE EDITOR OF .THE " SPECTATOR.") his,—There are many of us who feel like your correspondent "V. W. " a difficulty in choosing between the various funds which clamour for......
Past And Present.
[To riu: EDITOR OP THE "Sezerarcot.") tam,—Many of your readers will, I think, after reading the extracts which you give from the pamphlet written by Mr. Whitworth snore than a......
The "dot" Among Woe-king Men Abroad. [to Tee Editor Op
TEE "Srecreme."3 Ste,—A stray thought in connexion with the gathering of .national war savings has caused me to refer to several encyclopaedias and many likely other works ie......
A Sporting Offer.
_ [To THE EDITOR OP THE " SPECTATOR.") Sin,—Apart from the general problem of the employment of exsoldiers and sailors, there are probably many young architects, paintere, and......
Melbourne Or Churchill?
[To THE EDITOR GP THE " SPECTATOR.") p. 572 of your last number you attribute to"the Queen's pet lamb" the saying: "When I hear people say something must be done I know they......
The "via Sacra."
(e() THE EDITOR OF THE " $PECTATOR.") Sri,—In the course of his letter in your issue of November .4th, provoked by a previous one from me, Mr. Cyril Lomas very rightly says :—......
"irish Relief Fund.
A public meeting was held in the Shire Hall on Saturday night last under the auspices of the Irish Relief Fund Association. Mr. McCirievy occupied the chair, and was supported......