18 OCTOBER 1902, Page 25

This is My Birthday. Compiled, with Apposite Quotations, by Anita

Bartle. (Grant Richards. 5s.)—Miss Bartle's plan is to give one name for each day in the year, the name of some cele- brated person whose birthday it was, to append to the name various quotations appropriate to his character or achievements, and to leave a blank page opposite for the names of friends and acquaintance whose birthdays may chance to coincide. To take an example. "January 29. Baron Emanuel Swedenborg-1688," with ten quotations following, among them one from Milton :— a Food, alike, those pure

Intelligent substances require As doth your rational ; and both contain Within them every lower faculty

Of sense, whereby they hear, see, smell, touch, taste. They eat, they drink, and in communion sweet,

Quaff immortality and life."

And from Omar Khayyam :—

" Heaven but the vision of fulfilled Desire And Hell the Shadow from a Soul on fire."