18 OCTOBER 1902, page 13

The Education Bill.

[To THE EDITOR OT TAR "SPECTATOR."] have read your articles on the Education Bill with great attention, but though I fully recognise the possibilities of the Bill in the......

Letters To The Editor.

SIR MICHAEL HICKS BEACH AND THE WAR OFFICE. [TO TIla EDITOR OF TOR "SpEciveroa."1 Sia,—Some months recently spent in the ranks of the Army, both in South Africa and at home in......

Gilbert White's House At Selborne.

[To TUN EDITOR OP THE " SPECTLTOILI SIR,—The reception which has been accorded the proposal to purchase the house at Selborne in which Gilbert White, the naturalist, lived......

Mr. Henry Newbolt's Verse And Our South African Troops.

[To TEE EDITOR OP THE "SPECTATOR-1 have been reading your review (Spectator, July Nth) of various books of verse. It seems to me that verse, good. and strong—dealing mainly with......